Monday, December 1, 2008

創舉! 琴師邊開腦邊彈琴

Banjo used in brain surgery
BBC News Page last updated at 07:49 GMT, Sunday, 12 October 2008 08:49 UK

A musician who underwent brain surgery to treat a hand tremor played his banjo throughout to test the success of the procedure.

Eddie Adcock is one of the pillars of Bluegrass Music and realised his tremor could threaten his ability to perform professionally.

Surgeons placed electrodes in Mr Adcock's brain and fitted a pace maker in his chest which delivers a small current which shuts down the region of his brain causing the tremors.

A surgeon filmed the operation at the Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee.

創舉! 琴師邊開腦邊彈琴




Wednesday, November 19, 2008



p.17 譯文:雖然額葉受傷區域大的病人並不瞭解自己的缺失,但是帕金森氏症、妥瑞氏症、強迫症、注意力缺失過動症以及自閉症患者都能清楚表達並分析自己的缺陷,因此他們可以告知失去額葉功能的親身感受,讓我們知道不同疾病、不同區域的損傷。

p.3 原文:while patients with massive frontal lobe lesions show an unawareness of their condition, this is not, so for patients with parkinsonim, Tourette’s syndrome, OCD, ADHD, or autism; indeed such patients can articulate and often analyze with great accuracy what is going on with them. Thus they can tell us what patients with primary frontal lobe pathology cannot – what it actually feels like from the inside to have these differences and vagaries of frontal lobe function.


1. 受傷區域大…對照原文…massive frontal lobe lesions 翻譯成「受傷部位較廣」 or 「受傷較嚴重」比「受傷區域大」更為通用。
2. 缺失…對照原文….their condition「缺失」有負面的意思,但是原文較為中立,並沒有用較負面的英文字,指的是患者沒有意識到因為額葉受傷所造成的影響。建議改為「病人不會意識到自己的額葉出了狀況」
3. …自己的缺陷…對照原文…what is going on with them 原文的意思比較接近「這些患者能夠明確的敘述,而且能並精確地分析自己身體的狀況」
4. …告知…對照原文…tell 翻譯成「描述」比較通順
5. …不同疾病、不同區域的損傷…對照原文並沒有這個意思。原文的意思「對於自己身體的特殊反應或是突發病狀,這些患者能夠描述出自己心中的感受。」

Friday, November 14, 2008



p.16 譯文:本書所敘述的研究並不能釋疑何謂存在的本質,但是可以提供解決的線索。

p.3 原文:The work described here does not settle the debate about the nature of existence, but it seems to me to provide tantalizing clues about it.


1. 「存在的本質」,這個看來是哲學用語的文字,在一本書名為《大腦的秘密檔案》的前言出現,讓做為讀者的我看了有點疑惑。
2. 由這篇前言的內容讀來,作者想和讀者討論的是瞭解大腦結構、運作方式、與伴隨而來的心智反應。這個主題也和「存在的本質」無關。
3. 在本段落的前一段,作者所探討的是大腦地圖所提供的訊息,仍然無法完全解答我們對人類天性與經驗行為(human nature and experience) 的疑惑。所以,根據書名與本文章的前後文內容,我認為原文所謂「natural of existence」指的似乎比較是「人類行為與心智如何運行」

p.16 譯文:請記住,這些研究是心智探索的初步成果,我們現在對大腦的看法可能就跟十六世紀時的世界地圖一樣,不正確且不完整。大多數此處提到的實驗都比我寫的更複雜,有些以後很可能被推翻,這是因為很多研究太新了,還沒有足夠時間接受別的實驗室複驗。

p.3 原文:Please remember, though, that these are the early days of mind exploration and the vision of the brain we have now is probably no more complete or accurate than a sixteenth-century map of the world. Most of what you will read is actually more complicated than I might make it appear, and some of it will almost certainly turn out to be wrong. This is because many of the findings are too new to have been replicated.


1. the early days 應該有初期階段的意味,譯文建議要翻出來。
2. vision 翻成「瞭解」比「看法」來的好,畢竟我們在鑽研的是一個神秘的領域。連「瞭解」都還不完整,何來「看法」?
3. 接下來的幾句,都是寫法的問題。不過 most of what you will read is actually more complicated than I might make it appear, 其中的 I might make it appear 的意思,我斟酌了一下。認為might 的意思應該是作者的能力。所以中文也跟著做了修正。

Thursday, October 30, 2008


p.25 譯文:的確,數十年來以來,研究學者已知學習與記憶會造成大腦生理變化,其會在大腦中產生新的突觸(Synapses,為兩個神經元之間的接點)及加強現有突觸。而且,形成記憶之分子基礎上的發現易受評審青睞,而榮獲2000年諾貝爾生理醫學獎。

p.6 原文:Indeed, researchers have known for decades that learning and memory find their physiological expression in the formation of new synapses (points of connection between neurons) and the strengthening of existing ones; in 2000, the wise men of Stockholm even awarded a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery of the molecular underpinnings of memory.


-找了很多資料,想瞭解學習、記憶、與突觸之間的關係。但是越找越混淆。到底是學習與記憶會形成突觸?還是突觸與學習和記憶的成效有關呢?網路上找到一篇引述麻省醫院期刊內容的文章。文章標題是:Want to Improve Memory? Strengthen Your Synapses. Here’s How
The synapse is the point of communication between one neuron and a neighboring neuron, muscle cell or gland cell. It is the site where virtually all important brain activity emerges.

There are trillions of synapses in the brain: …Together they form a complex and flexible instrument upon which the music of our thoughts, behaviors and feelings is played out.
Research has established that, among its many functions, the synapse plays an important role in learning and memory. New information is absorbed and retained through a process characterized by changes in synaptic interconnections among neurons in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex, regions of the brain associated with memory.

It is generally agreed that learning occurs when the acquisition of new information causes synaptic changes…

Another theory ascribes learning to the strengthening of existing synapses. It is thought that the developing brain overproduces synapses early in life. Subsequently experience, by activating certain nerve cells repeatedly and ignoring others, determines which synapses become mature and stable and which ones wither away in a process of synaptic pruning. Over time, this process leaves us with only highly functional synapses. Learning and memory are thought to result when repeated stimulation of sets of neurons causes the communication across synapses to be strengthened, a condition called long-term potentiation.

-查了諾貝爾獎的網站,2000年的生理學或醫學獎是頒給以下三位科學家,表揚他們對突觸傳導的重大發現。【Arvid Carlsson, Paul Greengard and Eric Kandel - for their discoveries concerning "signal transduction in the nervous system"】中文翻譯的「易受評審青睞」有點過度翻譯。還有突然提到「形成記憶之分子基礎」,似乎和前面在討論「突觸」又不相干了。所以整段有點前後不連貫?建議翻法:2000年諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎就是頒給對形成記憶的分子,也就是突觸有重大科學發現的學者。

Friday, October 17, 2008

Practice on Translation Criticism

發行人的話 - 第一段


From the Publisher - First Paragraph

Is it really possible to change the structure and function of the brain, and in so doing alter how we think and feel? The answer is a resounding yes. In late 2004, leading Western scientists joined the Dalai Lama at his home in Dharamsala, India, to address this very question–and in the process brought about a revolution in our understanding of the human mind. In this fascinating and far-reaching book, Wall Street Journal science writer Sharon Begley reports on how cutting-edge science and the ancient wisdom of Buddhism have come together to show how we all have the power to literally change our brains by changing our minds. These findings hold exciting implications for personal transformation.

原文:Is it really possible to change the structure and function of the brain, and in so doing alter how we think and feel?

譯評:這個句子大意應是 - 因為改變了xx之後,進一步造成xx結果。但是譯者的中文譯法似乎沒有表達出原文的因果關係。比較建議的翻譯方式為:「我們真的有辦法改變大腦的結構與功能,因此而改變思考與感覺的方式嗎?」


原文:In late 2004, leading Western scientists joined the Dalai Lama at his home in Dharamsala, India, to address this very question–and in the process brought about a revolution in our understanding of the human mind.

譯評:「頂尖西方科學家」是對照著原文「Leading Western Scientists」 翻譯的。但是如果再進一步推敲,Leading Western Scientists所指的是在這些科學家所專精的領域中的翹楚,因此他們對這領域相關資訊的評論,會對學界與社會造成一定程度的影響。因此,建議可以翻譯成「權威科學家」「西方科學家來到達賴喇嘛目前居住的印度達蘭薩拉,針對這個問題發表演說。」的文意很怪。為什麼科學家要到印度演說?對照原文後發現譯文是錯誤的。「Address」的譯法,依據The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language,「Address」當作動詞時有幾個意思:1. to mark (a letter or parcel) with an address 2. to speak to 3. to direct one's attention to (a problem or an issue) 4. address oneself to。在這段文字裡,「address」的意義應該是「探討這個議題」。另外,達賴喇嘛在譯文中是沒有角色的。事實上,科學家是和達賴喇嘛一起探討這個問題。建議翻法:2004年底,西方權威科學家們與達賴喇嘛在他目前定居的印度達蘭薩拉,針對這個問題進行了座談。而這場座談,改變了我們對人類心靈的看法。

Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain


Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain: How a New Science Reveals Our Extraordinary Potential to Transform Ourselves

原文作者:Sharon Begley
語言:繁體中文 ISBN:9789866852251

Sunday, September 28, 2008


在 Lynne McTaggart 的書「The Intention Experiment」中,我們或許可以找到答案。

2008年9月15日,Lynne啟動了 "The Peace Intention Experiment " 。她號召全世界的網友,在同一段時間上網,一同為長期內戰死傷慘重的北斯里蘭卡居民祈福祝念,盼能減少此地區的戰爭或犯罪行為。這個活動在9月21日正式結束。後續學者將觀察北斯里蘭卡的戰爭或犯罪活動數量是否真的有降低。以下是Lynne在宣傳此活動當時,所製作的影片。

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


腦與認知科學(Brain and Cognitive Sciences)
For more information on course details, click here