Friday, October 17, 2008

Practice on Translation Criticism

發行人的話 - 第一段


From the Publisher - First Paragraph

Is it really possible to change the structure and function of the brain, and in so doing alter how we think and feel? The answer is a resounding yes. In late 2004, leading Western scientists joined the Dalai Lama at his home in Dharamsala, India, to address this very question–and in the process brought about a revolution in our understanding of the human mind. In this fascinating and far-reaching book, Wall Street Journal science writer Sharon Begley reports on how cutting-edge science and the ancient wisdom of Buddhism have come together to show how we all have the power to literally change our brains by changing our minds. These findings hold exciting implications for personal transformation.

原文:Is it really possible to change the structure and function of the brain, and in so doing alter how we think and feel?

譯評:這個句子大意應是 - 因為改變了xx之後,進一步造成xx結果。但是譯者的中文譯法似乎沒有表達出原文的因果關係。比較建議的翻譯方式為:「我們真的有辦法改變大腦的結構與功能,因此而改變思考與感覺的方式嗎?」


原文:In late 2004, leading Western scientists joined the Dalai Lama at his home in Dharamsala, India, to address this very question–and in the process brought about a revolution in our understanding of the human mind.

譯評:「頂尖西方科學家」是對照著原文「Leading Western Scientists」 翻譯的。但是如果再進一步推敲,Leading Western Scientists所指的是在這些科學家所專精的領域中的翹楚,因此他們對這領域相關資訊的評論,會對學界與社會造成一定程度的影響。因此,建議可以翻譯成「權威科學家」「西方科學家來到達賴喇嘛目前居住的印度達蘭薩拉,針對這個問題發表演說。」的文意很怪。為什麼科學家要到印度演說?對照原文後發現譯文是錯誤的。「Address」的譯法,依據The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language,「Address」當作動詞時有幾個意思:1. to mark (a letter or parcel) with an address 2. to speak to 3. to direct one's attention to (a problem or an issue) 4. address oneself to。在這段文字裡,「address」的意義應該是「探討這個議題」。另外,達賴喇嘛在譯文中是沒有角色的。事實上,科學家是和達賴喇嘛一起探討這個問題。建議翻法:2004年底,西方權威科學家們與達賴喇嘛在他目前定居的印度達蘭薩拉,針對這個問題進行了座談。而這場座談,改變了我們對人類心靈的看法。

1 comment:

四眼 said...

我很喜歡妳的譯評耶,very insightful and precise.